Benefits of Supporting Education in Africa

Education is a human right and is central to achieving many other sustainable development outcomes.

A quality basic education gives children and youth the knowledge and skills they need to face daily life challenges, and take advantage of economic and lifelong learning opportunities. It is also a key driver for reducing poverty, fostering economic growth, achieving gender equality, and social development.

These benefits are even greater when support to education is targeted toward girls. Girls who complete their primary education tend to find better jobs, marry later and have fewer children. They are also:

  • half as likely to have children who suffer from malnutrition
  • less likely to have children who die before the age of five
  • less likely to turn to prostitution
  • less prone to be victims of sexual violence or become infected with HIV

Education is particularly important to communities that are fragile or rebuilding. Education provides stability, structure and hope for the future, helping children and youth to overcome trauma caused by war, disaster, or conflict.

Having a safe learning environment also makes children and youth less vulnerable to exploitation, kidnapping, and recruitment by militant groups or organized crime.

However, around 59 million children in developing countries do not have access to basic education. The quality of education is also a key concern: 250 million children are unable to read, write or count, even after four years of schooling.

Many young people in developing countries who have not been able to complete a quality education are lacking the foundational and high level skills for work and life.

Your generosity helps to support children in Africa and specially girls get access to quality education. You can make change in this world by getting involved.

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