Fighting to Ensure Basic Education for All
Education is out of reach for some children and teens in underdeveloped and impoverished countries. For instance, 264 million children were out of school in a single year under Sub-Saharan Africa having the highest out-of-school rates. The education system in Ethiopia is less than satisfactory and while it is free and compulsory, only 60 percent […]
Breaking Barriers to Send Kids to School
The barriers for children to go to school in Africa and in countries such as Ethiopia are many. School fees, uniforms and supplies that millions of families are unable to afford, poor quality of teaching and inadequacy of learning materials are some of the factors that hinder for children to go to school in Africa. […]
Benefits of Supporting Education in Africa
Education is a human right and is central to achieving many other sustainable development outcomes. A quality basic education gives children and youth the knowledge and skills they need to face daily life challenges, and take advantage of economic and lifelong learning opportunities. It is also a key driver for reducing poverty, fostering economic growth, achieving […]
Sending Girls to School for Equal Opportunity in Education
Access to education in Africa is very limited. For example, in Ethiopia, 63% of students in lower primary schools are not achieving the basic learning outcomes needed to succeed higher up the education ladder due to scarcity of resources and other barriers such as long distance to school and less number of girls enrolled. To […]