School Supplies For All

Join The Movement.
Help Us Equip The Next Generation with Knowledge.

Every year, we send tens of thousands of exercise books and other educational resources to Ethiopian children in order to aid their learning and growth. Our provision of high-quality learning and teaching materials compensates for disabling factors such as large class sizes, poorly trained or unqualified teachers, a lack of instructional time, high levels of illiteracy among parents, and a lack of reading materials in homes in low-income countries like Ethiopia.

Our Kits of School Supplies

Our school supplies are changing the lives of many children that can’t afford them. Our supply kits include exercise books, pens, pencils, notebooks, pencil bags, rulers, and rubbers which students basically use at school. We supply these materials every year for thousands of kids throughout Ethiopia. The cities we have visited so far include Addis Ababa, Hawasa, Bishoftu, Adama, Gambella, and the southern part of the country such as Arba Minch.

Using donations from generous individuals throughout the world, we manage to have several school supplies produced out of recycled materials and mostly recycled paper to take part in the battle against the conservation of our climate and the cutting of trees.

You can join our mission to combat the destruction of trees that encourage global warming and send thousands of kids to school by donating to our cause. Any amount is valuable to us and the kids we support.

Our kits include the following items.

Exercise Books



Erasers and Rulers

Pencil Bags


Support the Cause

Together, we can make a difference and provide students with hope for the future.

“With the right education supplies, children have a chance to continue learning despite living in very difficult circumstances.”